Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Do I Describe Thee?

In response to a question on Facebook this morning noting the differences in personality in children within a family, I wrote the following descriptions of our kids. After posting it, I got to thinking this would be a cool place to include it.

Let's see. Of our five…

One son is a perfectionist, quick-thinking and quick-witted, tender-hearted but fiercely strong, split down the middle creative and analytical, a crazy-epic athlete, and can debate virtually every facet of any argument.

Another son is tender and compassionate but unwavering in his beliefs, an amazing writer, an impressive athlete, a perfectly balanced coach, creative, wise, patient, dependable, hard-working, and loyal.

The middle son is our balancing force, an amazing musician, a knowledgeable astronomer, a vigilant peacemaker, a wholehearted worshiper, a dedicated student of the Bible, a phenomenal mentor, and a fiercely loyal friend.

The other son is brilliant, witty, even-tempered, creative/analytical, an amazing artist and musician, is doggedly protective (especially of girls and women), has a strong sense of justice but is also markedly merciful, and dreams of being a superhero (which, in my opinion, he already is).

Our one daughter is a splendid dancer who writes mind-boggling song lyrics, has an unforgettable singing voice, aspires to be a professional nanny and early childhood dance teacher, and is the most loyal, compassionate, devoted, peaceful, courageous young woman I’ve ever known.


  1. They all sound amazing - any Mum would be proud to call them hers!

  2. Thanks, love. I am profoundly proud, and blessed beyond measure to be their mama.
